Skin Dive at Motu Fareone and Motu Tiahura, Moorea, July 26
We took a ferry across the lagoon from The Intercontinental Resort to Motu Fareone and Tiahura. Some believe that these motus are where Sir Joseph Banks set up his tent in order to observe the transit of Venus on June 3, 1769. This is an excerpt from Banks' diary:
“1769 May 31.
The day of Observation now aproaches. The weather has been for some days fine, tho in general since we have been upon the Island (Tahiti) we have had as much cloudy as clear weather, which makes us all not a little anxious for success. In consequence of hints from Lord Morton the Captn resolves to send a party to the eastward, and another to Imáo (Moorea), an Island in sight of us, thinking that in case of thick weather one or the other might be more successfull than the observatory. The Carpenters work very hard to finish the long boat. I resolve to go on the Imáo expedition.”
“1769 June 2.
Soon after day break we saw an Indian canoe and upon hailing her she shewed us an inlet through the reef (Taotai, the pass in front of our resort)?, into [which] we pulld and soon fixd upon a Coral rock about 150 yards from the shore as a very proper situation for our Observatory; it was about 80 yards long and 60 broad and had in hte middle of it a bed of white sand large enough for our tents to stand upon. The 2nd Lieutent and people therefore immediately set about it while I went upon the main Island to trade with the inhabitants for provisions, of which I soon bought a sufficient supply. Before night our observatory was in order, telescopes all set up and tried etc. and we went to rest anxious for the events of tomorrow; the evening having been very fine gave us however great hopes of success.”
Excerpt From: Sir Joseph Banks. “The Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks.”
Shelby very cleverly discovered that the vicious island dogs will swim into the water to attack an innocent snorkeler! - Cathy
We were snorkeling/sitting on the beach, when all of a sudden we heard the dogs snarling and barking! They actually chased Shelby into the water. Those dogs meant business! - Anna Catherine
I witnessed the dog attack. They were mean! - Meredith