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Day Four, July 18:
Fare, Huahine
Views of Fare 



Captain Cook anchored off Fare in 1769, 1773, and 1774. Cook struck up a lasting friendship with Ori, the main chief of the island. Cook was to give Ori a small pewter plate as a testament of this friendship with the inscription: His Britannick Maj. Ship Endeavour, Leut Cook Commander 16th July 1769. It was a gift from which Ori never parted to the end of his days.


The Resolution and Discovery In Fare Harbour and the modern day view; right inset.
Our Anchorage at Fare

Our laundry at Fare! - Cathy


god yu tekkem laef blong mi - The Chior of All Saints, Honiara
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Some bananas collected from the mountain side.
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